Interest rate and inflation in Paraguay

Haus mit Schlüssel

An increase in prices over a certain period of time is referred to as inflation. In most countries, the respective central bank is responsible for this increase in prices. The key interest rate is also determined by these same central banks. Both instruments work hand in hand and thereby control the economy. For the euro […]

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Inheritance laws in Paraguay and Germany

2 Personen unterschreiben Testament

Inheritance laws govern the distribution of a person’s assets after their death. These laws differ from country to country, with each nation having its own unique set of rules and regulations. This essay will compare and contrast the inheritance laws of Paraguay and Germany. Codigo Civil Paraguayo Paraguay’s inheritance laws are primarily governed by the […]

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Real estate in Paraguay


If you have plans to invest in real estate in Paraguay, you might want to inform yourself well beforehand. Only those who know the basics about the real estate market in Paraguay can also make a good long-term decision. This applies to the purchase of a property in Paraguay for personal use and applies doubly […]

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